Friday, June 5, 2009

The recent furor concerning CNN's despicable coverage of stem cell treatments overseas has kept me pretty riled up over the lack of caring of the FDA and in general, the politicians in Washington D.C. What CNN did was simply, in their own bumbling way, magnify the situation that now exists for those of us that are terminally and chronically ill in this country. Our own government is holding us hostage. In an effort to please Big Pharma and not see their budget cut, the FDA must continue to create new avenues for their own agency. Declaring our own stem cells to be drugs is an avenue they could not resist even though they have no legal jurisdiction in the practice of medicine and they did NOT go through the required period of public commentary before making this declaration. This is a real no-no and something that ASCTA intends to challenge via the courts.

If you are not familiar with ASCTA (American Stem Cell Therapy Association), then get familiar by visiting their site at If you are a physician You do not have to be a doctor that is giving stem cell treatment or even one that embraces it, however, if your patients choose to have treatment done, you must care enough to back this effort that promises safe treatments in the U.S. for them. You should also consider that the FDA's actions could threaten the way you treat your patients as well.

If we let the FDA take a pass on this gross overstepping of its regulatory boundaries, we will rue the day. Our own stem cells will become the domain of large pharmaceutical companies, setting progress back years in this country. We are already falling shamefully behind. Many countries allow treatments and many also offer clinicals for thousands and thousands of patients. The U.S. has a few clinicals and allows only a very limited number of treatments.

There should be no hold up on giving us what we need and want in this country. I am sick and tired of begging for my life and the life of others. I am tired of politicians who do not care enough to respond to letters, e-mails or phone calls and yet are always ready to take campaign contributions. Unless these politicians live in a fog, they have to know that we are a nation that is over medicated and on many fronts losing the battle to be number one in stem cell research and biotechnology. I am especially tired of lousy reporting filled with editorializing and outright lies as was the case with CNN.

We must fight back. We can't let the few brave doctors that are fighting for the right to give patients safe stem cell treatments be harassed and humiliated by the FDA and the press. We need to continue to expose the false premise the FDA is working under when they attempt to classify our own stem cells as drugs. This could open the door for the FDA to start regulating all surgeries, cosmetic procedures, stem cell products, etc. Do we really want that? I know I don't. I want my life back, not more regulation that threatens to take it away unless I make my way to Mexico or China or some other more visionary country.

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